Concentrated Cannabis Oil is a powerful, potent medicine and should be respected as such. Always start off using small amounts, then build your way up to the amount required to kill cancer (1 gram total per day). It should take approximately 5 weeks to achieve 1 gram per day. As your dose amounts increase, be cautious and divide that amount up into small doses until gone. Applying more frequently during the course of a day keeps the medication constant and level in your system, and eliminates high-low spikes. Taking a little extra time for correct application is the smart choice for safety.
Tips on using Concentrated Cannabis Oil:
It takes a time for the oil to get fully regulated in your system. Be patient, as everyone’s system and makeup is slightly different. It typically takes 3-5 days on average. This method of tacking, if done properly, should provide no euphoric “high”. Many think it is not working and start taking more than advised, resulting in feelings of euphoria at unexpected times. Once you start your regiment on concentrated oil you will begin to notice small changes. Before long you should feel healthier and a greater sense of wellness.
Be sure to start your tacking when at the beginning of your day. Eat breakfast first, brush your teeth, rinse your mouth out, then apply your first tack of the day. Always take your medication after you eat.
Pay attention to how your body feels. If you feel nauseous, in most cases you need to simply eat a snack and drink some water. It should go away quickly. If left untreated, anxiety may set in. A simple snack or some water should help you feel better. A good rule of thumb is to first eat and drink.
When using concentrated cannabis oil you must stay hydrated with water. Even if you’re not doing anything, your body’s metabolism is raised using daytime oil. Always keep water around you. A good reminder is when you’re done urinating, drink water immediately after.
NOTE: This information is provided for educational purposes only. We bear no responsibility if this information is misused.
Written by Motoco 1982
Edited by XLR8
It is very important NOT TO PANIC! Adrenalin will induce an anxiety roller-coaster.
Rather drink a glass of orange juice, take deep breaths and be rest assured that this will pass as soon as the body has acclimatised to the oil.
A study published in the August 2011 edition of theBritish Journal of Pharmacology titled “Taming THC: Potential Cannabis Synergy and Phytocannabinoid-terpenoid Entourage Effects”. The active terpene in black peppercorns, is what accounts for the spices soothing effects.
A sniff or scent of ground pepper often soothes the anxious moments.
Avoiding Fear, Panic and Anxiety using Citicoline
Anxiety and panic may be felt by some individuals. This feeling can be avoided by taking 5000mg (5 grams) of Citicoline. Do not use capsules, use granular and weigh out 5 grams on a scale. Mix this with water and drink one hour prior to using the cannabis. This will also control psycoactive effects.
Copyright & Reference :
Reference: Anxiety Citicolene
NOTE: This information is provided for educational purposes only. We bear no responsibility if this information is misused.